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Join our team

It all started with a bottle of Balance to help my yoga students become more present in their body and the rest they say is history.
When people first purchase their Essential Oil starter kit many of them (like me) don't have a business in mind. The love 
affair and the urge to help more people have a greater quality of life simply unfolds within as your own journey and experience with the oils magically occurs.


The beauty of this business is the weather you start with a clear business opportunity in mind OR if you are a customer now looking at this as a wonderful way to start supplementing your income you can begin your biz journey at any time.


Starting a business in network marketing has incredible benefits:


  • Low start-up costs (yip from as low as $35 for your membership)

  • An extended team and family of people who ONLY want to see you succeed. Competition, withholding of information, office politics just don't get a look in here.

  • Flexibility to do as much or as little as you can given your other commitments - I will mentor you based on where you are at now and build things to where you want to go.

  • A variety of both online, self lead learning as well as face to face local support to build your confidence and experience.

  • Location is no barrier - You have the option to grow your business in person AND online from anywhere in the world.
    Our team already is global in nature which means we operate across countries and time zones making our reach even further and impact even greater. 

  • You have the opportunity to create a supplementary OR replacement income which continues to grow in a passive way. Earning in this capacity breaks down the barriers of time = money and allows you more freedom and flexibility in your life. Especially when it comes to being with family.




  • You have a passion for natural health, conscious consumerism, the environment, social change, making a difference to individuals and communities and facilitating experiences that make people feel completely loved and supported.

  • You are open to learning and pouring yourself into a personal and professional development experience like no other.

  • You are willing to look for possibilities and solutions even when you don't know what to do next or something is unfamiliar.

  • You are action-orientated and would describe yourself as a "self-starter".

  • You are ready to see, feel and experience work in a whole new way.

  • You are ready for change in your life (even if you don't know what that change is yet)

  • You are looking for a tribe, a sisterhood, a way to be a part of something collaborative.

  • You love sharing and teaching people things that you know will help make like that little bit more fun and joyful.

  • You're not afraid to put yourself out there and "do the work" in order to see and feel incredible results and impact in your business

  • You may even already have a sister business or side project and are looking to inject an abundant and aligned partner product to take your earnings to the next level by extending value and impact you have to your existing community.


If you have nodded along, saying yes, yes (OMG that IS me!) YES then please send me an email and we can chat about the next steps for you to get started as well as answer any questions your have regarding income, time commitments etc.

I cant wait to hear from you.






*Unfortunately if you already have a doTERRA wholesale account you are not able to align your business with our team however please reach out to the person who you enrolled with and speak to them about the support they offer.




This oppurtunity is for you if:

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